YOU HAVE ENTERED HACKERIO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As a member of HackerIO, an elite team of hackers providing intelligence to the government, your skills will be put to the test. Cautious measures have been taken to ensure that team members remain anonymous to one another and to the government. Your mission will be delivered to you through this site and all feedback must be given through this site as well. You will not be informed of the purpose of the intelligence you gather. Other teams are responsible for carrying out the more delicate tasks. Your first mission is a training mission, designed to test your capabilities as a candidate. Access to more advanced missions will only be granted upon successful completion of previous missions. It is crucial that you save the unique URLs provided, as failure to do so will result in having to start over. Your first mission can be found at: Be prepared to use specialized tools to access the endpoints, such as - A browser - Postman - Curl: curl - Nodejs: fetch('') .then(r => r.text()) .then(t => console.log(t)) - PowerShell: Invoke-RestMethod -Uri If you are not familiar with any of these tools, you may not be the right candidate. Good luck, Agent. MISSIONS: - Birth date of Jack Ripper - Location of subject - Off guard - Suspicious satellite - Poor password - Nuclear attack - Spy drone